Regulatory United Kingdom
Arbor Law is the business name for a legal practice carried out by Arbor Law Ltd, its’ affiliated firms or under joint venture or collaboration arrangements in association with Arbor Law Ltd (together “Arbor Law”).
Arbor Law is a limited company registered in England and Wales under registered number 11547813. Its registered office is 118 Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5ED, United Kingdom.
Regulatory authority
Arbor Law is a law firm authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (“SRA”) under number 654708. The rules of the SRA can be accessed here.
Value added tax
Arbor Law is registered for VAT purposes with VAT registration number GB 317161426.
Investment related activities
Arbor Law is not authorised by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”). We are regulated by the SRA, including in relation to our carrying on of any “exempt regulated activities” under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (“FSMA”). We are permitted to carry on a limited range of activities relating to investments where an exemption under the FSMA applies, including regulated activities which may reasonably be regarded as a necessary part of our legal services. The scope of our advice will not include giving advice on the merits of entering into any transaction in investments. When providing our services, we will assume that our clients have decided, or will decide, to negotiate and enter into any such transaction solely on the basis of that client’s own evaluation of it, and any advice which a client may receive from a person authorised under the FSMA. We will not communicate, either to our client or on behalf of our client to any other person, any invitation or inducement to engage in investment activity, and nothing we write or say should be construed as any such invitation or inducement.
Data protection legislation
We have put in place a global data protection policy.
We rely on EU Model Clauses (and in limited circumstances, where appropriate, consent) to allow transfer of personal data from our offices within the EEA to our non-EEA offices. Appropriate provisions are also included in contracts with third party suppliers.
For information about how we process data we receive through users of this website, please see our Privacy Policy.
Anti-money laundering laws
We implement anti-money laundering (“AML”) policies which comply with the legal requirements of the jurisdictions in which we operate and which we apply globally. We undertake AML due diligence to verify the identity of new clients and where required conduct background checks. We periodically refresh our due diligence on existing clients. Our AML polices require that suspicions of money laundering are reported to our Money Laundering Officer or to the appropriate authorities in accordance with our legal obligations, or both. These obligations may require us to stop work on a matter, override our duties of confidentiality to you and prohibit us from disclosing to you if we make such a report. We will not be liable to you for the consequences of any such report made in good faith.
Anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws
We have in place robust anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies and procedures which apply to anyone working for or on behalf of Arbor Law. Anyone working for or on behalf of Arbor Law is expected to maintain the highest ethical standards, to conduct themselves with integrity and in a manner that excludes any improper purpose or business advantage. We do not tolerate bribery or corruption in any form.
Attorney advertising
The State of New York, USA has determined that under certain circumstances and for certain recipients, some of the material accessible on this website may constitute attorney advertising within the meaning of sections 1200.1 and 1200.6-8 of Title 22 of the New York Codes, Rules and Regulatory Attorney Advertising Regulations. Accordingly, we make the following statement: